Other Court Information
Are you looking for information about a non-confidential case in an Indiana court? Many courts post that information online.
You can search court cases by care, name, or attorney at mycase.IN.gov.
To see which courts post case information online, visit the Indiana Judicial Branch website.
For information regarding Attorney ID cards, please see this page.
The current Bail Schedule applies to all defendants in Marion County. This schedule does not apply to cases where a judicial officer has already issued a warrant with a predetermined bail.
Please see our Forms Page for a list of printable forms of various uses.
The Juvenile Detention Center is headed by Hon. Clark Rogers, presiding judge and Mary Dozier, Superintendent of Administration.
Visiting Hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:00pm - 7:00pm.
Special visits (Level IV and Honor Level) are Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 10:30 am and 12:00 pm - 4:30 pm
For information on the Detention Center’s Sexual Abuse and Harassment Policy, please see this page.
For resources to support your legal situation, click here.
Find the Marion County Trial Court Calendar by clicking here.
Court transcripts are public records.
To order certified court transcripts from Marion Circuit and Superior Courts, click here.
Place your order, wait for approval and estimate, pay online, and download your transcript when it’s complete.
Probation information can be found by clicking this link.
Four-Judge panel oversees the Marion Superior Court
A four-member executive committee oversees the Marion Superior Court. Elected by their peers, the following judges make up the current Executive Committee:
Hon. Marc Rothenberg, Presiding Judge
Hon. Stephen Creason, Associate Presiding Judge
Hon. Angela Davis, Associate Presiding Judge
Hon. Marie Kern, Associate Presiding Judge
The current Executive Committee’s term will end in January 2027.